Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Personal Information

No personal information, or information stored on the installation server(s) is made available to Andrey Rychkov when you install the apps on a server of cluster of servers from those servers.
Atlassian makes available certain technical contact and billing contact information to Andrey Rychkov via their Sales API when the plugin is installed and a license (evaluation or full) is applied to the plugin. Please see Atlassian's privacy policy for details on how they treat your information.
Andrey Rychkov may analyse the Sales API and may use the email and/or telephone number to contact you.

2. Data
All apps do not transmit any data from your server, nor from any client browser they run on to any third-party.

3. Changes to Privacy Policy
Andrey Rychkov may make changes to this privacy policy if it is necessary due to law or technical changes.